Friday, September 30, 2011

Friend of yours?

As I continue along with my drawing-a-day project, I am coming in contact with a cast of characters that haven’t inhabited my artistic community before. 

I rarely watch television, but lately when I am trying to relax I stream Grey’s Anatomy on Netflix.  Exactly why I find watching a soap opera about doctors and hospitals relaxing is beyond me, but still I do and as I have been staring sort of blankly at my computer screen, I have become interested in the faces of the actors. (The figure on the right in the drawing above was inspired by Dr. Bailey's face, for those of you who are familiar with the show).

I start with the face and then create clothes, situations and related friends to accompany the character.

Since I was enjoying this so much, I started to expand my influences to magazines and other places in my life.

This woman came from and advertisement in the recent issue of Time Out and I think the guy just came to mind from going to the gym, which is an interesting world onto itself.  

For the face on the left I used a photo of myself that was created by my iPhone application FatBooth.  The face of the figure on the right was inspired by Dr. Burke from Grey's Anatomy.  We make a nice couple.

Stay tuned- more to come!

1 comment:

  1. I love these drawings! Looking forward to the next ones...
