Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Excitement on the horizon

proposal for Figment, 2012

I haven’t posted in about a month and I have to admit that I have really missed thinking and writing for this blog. Over the past month I have been dancing like crazy and it has been fun, but it certainly doesn’t take the place of my visual work.  This was a nice thing to discover and now I am happy to be back and excited about a couple of new projects that I would like to share with you.
The first project will be another performance on June 21 at Space on White where Jorge and I performed last month.  I am particularly excited about this upcoming show because aside from having the opportunity to make a new work, I am going to be curating and organizing the evening.  I have chosen 3 other wonderful performers to share the evening with me and I honestly look forward to speaking with each of them about their projects and seeing how our works relate to each other.
The other artists are:
Monika Weiss
Marie Christine Katz
Edith Raw

I think it will be an interesting evening so, save the date! I would love to see you there. More detail will be coming shortly.

The second project will be a public performance as part of Figment, which will take place June 9 & 10 on Governors Island
For this project I will be wearing an extravagant, long dress and head wrap, which will be covered with an excessive amount of small figures, made of fabric and clay. For the intervention I will ask people to draw a figure or make one out of fabric or clay. As people make their figures I will engage them in conversation, trying to find out about their process and what is driving them to the shapes and forms they are choosing.  Having studied the figure in a wide range cultures throughout history, I am fascinated by how drastically different representations of the human body can be and I am curious to discover the diversity of depictions I can find right here in New York City. When people are done with their figures I will add them to my dress (if it’s okay with them) and I will leave the day wearing the diversity and uniqueness of everyone I met.
If you think you will be coming please let me know so I can tell you were I will be located.
And finally, here are a couple of things I am looking for incase you know someone who would be interested. I do not have a lot of money, but I can pay some kind of stipend:
People I am looking for:

*I have an opportunity for a friendly and creative person who would be interested in helping me with the project at Figment. This will involve helping me carry all the materials, getting the public interested, talking to people, taking photos and/ or video and just keeping an eye on everything.
*I would like to find someone organized who can be a stage manager for the performance evening at Space on White on Thursday, June 21.  This will involve helping set up the space, managing all the different things the performers need like: setting up lights, moving around props and managing other technical details with the project and sound. 
*I am also looking for a talented individual to shoot video of the performances at Space on White.
Feel free to contact me at
Best wishes,


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